Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What do success and exercise have in common?

It is that time of the year when most people are making a resolution to exercise regularly, and thinking about what it takes to be successful in the new year ahead. Interestingly enough, both of these have a lot in common.

Here are some things Success and Exercise have in common:

There is no stopping: Exercise keeps you and your body fit only as long as you continue doing it. It doesn't matter if you exercise rigorously every day for 10 years, as soon as you stop, you will start seeing the ill effects of not exercising. Similarly, it doesn't matter how successful you have been in the past and for how long, since the minute you become complacent and stop striving for success, your success will start declining. There is no such thing as "attaining success" and stopping, just as there is no such thing as "reaching fitness" and stopping.

Challenging yourself: To get the best results with exercise, you have to change up the routines and try to challenge yourself in different ways. Similarly, to continue to be successful in any field, you have to do different things, learn continuously, get out of your comfort zone, and challenge yourself.

The more the merrier: Both in the case of exercise and success, the more you go for it, the better results you get.

Getting inspired: Just as being around and interacting with people that exercise regularly will help you stay motivated to exercise, being around and interacting with people who continually strive to be successful in their fields will help you stay motivated to be successful as well.

What's in your way: Laziness gets in the way of exercise. Complacency comes in the way of success.  Don't let either of them get any where near you.

Exercise or no exercise, I wish you a happy & successful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Great article Lot's of information to Read...Great Man Keep Posting and update to People..Thanks
    Jonathan Eric Haft
