Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to tell if you found your passion

We have all heard the advice "follow your passion".  I doubt all of us are fortunate enough to wake up one day and find our passion. More often than not, we end up choosing careers or jobs by chance or circumstance. Most of those jobs and careers may turn out to be just fine, and we may find ourselves in a reasonably happy place. But, how can we tell the difference - if we are truly pursuing our passion or merely stumbled upon something that seems to be good enough?

Look for these indicators:

  • You look forward to get going every morning, some times to an extent you can hardly wait to wakeup.
  • You never think about taking a day off unless you are very sick
  • You come home excited and full of energy after a whole day's work
  • You are bubbling with ideas and see possibilities in everything
  • You don't  feel the need to  "balance" your work and life

If you find yourself saying "yes" to each of these statements, congratulations, you have found your passion.

1 comment:

  1. A crisp and quick post, but one that is detailed enough to easily identify your passion. Good one!!
