Having a
sense of humor at our workplace is not only appropriate but also
essential. Most of us spend more than half of our waking hours at work,
dealing with many kinds of stress. A little sense of humor goes a long way to
look at these stressful situations in a different light, and helps maintain a
fun environment at work.
Having a
sense of humor isn't necessarily the same as being able to tell jokes. It is
the ability to see humor in day-to-day situations and appreciate jokes. Some people have the knack of putting
others at ease instantly with their sense of humor, which can be particularly
helpful in conflict or icebreaking situations when meeting with new people.
benefits of humor go beyond helping with stress at work. Humor and laughter can
bring people together and develop very strong bonds. Robert
Provine, author of 'Laughter: A Scientific Investigation', conducted research that says 90 percent of the
things we laugh at aren't even remotely funny, and most laughter is not about
jokes, but rather, about relationships between people. Many of you may have
experienced this phenomenon, where you and a very close friend may find simple
banter very funny and have a laugh whereas others may not think it is funny at
all. So, a laughter filled work environment might be a good indication that
people are comfortable with each other and that they share a very positive and
healthy working relationship.
these many benefits of humor and fun at work, how do you promote these in your
teams? It starts by having a sense of humor yourself, taking some risks and
leading by example. When you are in the middle of a serious discussion, make an
offhand remark or a joke that might surprise people and bring on a smile. Stick
to simple and generic lines and make sure not to offend any one. As long as you
pay attention to people's sentiments and don't overdo it, most people enjoy a
good laugh. Think and create situational humor that the whole group can relate
to. You will be surprised to see the group really stays connected through that
shared situational humor for a long time after. If you know someone on your
team that has a particularly good sense of humor, provide them the opportunity
to show it off. It only takes a few people start and create a fun
environment, as laughter is very contagious. Before you know it, it will
rub off on others.
'sense of humor' inherent or can it be developed? The answer is yes to both.
Almost everyone has some sense of humor inherently, but everyone can develop it
further, by watching others who are good at it, exploring, and experimenting on
their own in different situations.
If you
have a serious work environment today, try some of these ideas, and soon you
may find yourself where "work" and "fun" become synonymous.